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本文提供了爱普生7910/ 9910/9908/7908/7710/9710打印机的错误代码表及其中文解释,以便用户查阅和维护。
Stylus Pro 7910|9910/7908|9908
维护请求代码表 |
错误代码 | 代码描述 | 中文翻译 |
0002 | The CR scan pass counter has reached the specified value. (ink supply tube has reached its end of life.) |
字车 pass 移动计数即将到达设计寿命(供墨管路即将到达使用寿命) |
0008 | The RTC backup battery becomes exhausted. |
RTC备用电池耗尽 |
0040 | The pump counter has reached the specified value. |
泵计数器即将到使用寿命 |
0080 | The date has not been set. | 没有设置日期 |
0800 | The number of replacement counter of the ink cartridges has reached the specified life. (the life of the waste ink pad attached to the ink cartridge holder) |
墨盒更换次数即将到达设计寿命(墨仓内收集废墨的衬垫即将到达设计寿命) |
1000 | the number of drivers of ink selector has reached the upper limit. |
黑色墨水转换装置次数即将达到寿命 |
0088 | RTC backup battery has not been set | 备用电池日期没有设定 |
Stylus Pro 7910|9910/7908/9908 维修呼叫错误代码表 |
Error Code | Description | Translation |
1101 | CR life error | 字车寿命故障 |
1138 | CR Over current error | 字车电机过流故障 |
113A | CR Overload error | 字车电机过载故障 |
113B | CR Over speed error | 字车超速错误 |
113C | CR Reversing error | 字车反转错误 |
113D | CR Driving time-out error | 字车驱动超时错误 |
113E | CR Velocity deviation error | 字车失速错误 |
113F | CR Lock error | 字车锁定错误 |
122A | PF Overload error | PF电机过载故障 |
122B | PF Over speed error | PF超速错误 |
122C | PF Reversing error | PF反转错误 |
122D | PF Driving time-out error | PF驱动超时错误 |
122E | PF Velocity deviation error | PF失速错误 |
122F | PF Lock error | PF锁定错误 |
151A | APG Overload error | APG电机过载故障 |
151B | APG Over speed error | APG超速错误 |
151C | APG Reversing error | APG反转错误 |
151D | APG Driving time-out error | APG驱动超时错误 |
151E | APG Velocity deviation error | APG失速错误 |
151F | APGLock error | APG锁定错误 |
152A | Rewind Overload error | 卷纸轴电机过载故障 |
152B | Rewind Over speed error | 卷纸轴超速错误 |
152C | Rewind Reversing error | 卷纸轴反转错误 |
152D | Rewind Driving time-out error | 卷纸轴驱动超时错误 |
152E | Rewind Velocity deviation error | 卷纸轴失速错误 |
152F | Rewind Lock error | 卷纸轴锁定错误 |
1530 | Driven roller HP detection error | 驱动轮初始位置错误 |
153A | Driven Roller Overload error | 驱动滚电机过载故障 |
153B | Driven Roller Over speed error | 驱动滚超速错误 |
153C | Driven Roller Reversing error | 驱动滚反转错误 |
153D | Driven Roller Driving time-out error | 驱动滚驱动超时错误 |
153E | Driven Roller Velocity deviation error | 驱动滚失速错误 |
153F | Driven RollerLock error | 驱动滚锁定错误 |
1540 | Cutter HP detection error | 裁刀初始位置检测错误 |
1549 | Motor disconnection error | 裁刀电机连接错误 |
154A | Cutter Overload error | 裁刀电机过载故障 |
154B | Cutter Over speed error | 裁刀超速错误 |
154C | Cutter Reversing error | 裁刀反转错误 |
154D | Cutter Driving time-out error | 裁刀驱动超时错误 |
154E | Cutter Velocity deviation error | 裁刀失速错误 |
154F | CutterLock error | 裁刀锁定错误 |
13F0 | IC Cover operation error | 墨仓盖操作失败 |
1411 | Valve HP Selector Select error | 墨水转换器初始位置错误 |
1412 | Pump life error | 泵计数到达使用寿命 |
1419 | Pump release error | 泵释放错误 |
141A | Pump Overload error | 泵电机过载故障 |
141B | Pump Over speed error | 泵超速错误 |
141C | Pump Reversing error | 泵反转错误 |
141D | Pump Driving time-out error | 泵驱动超时错误 |
141E | Pump Velocity deviation error | 泵失速错误 |
141F | Pump Lock error | 泵锁定错误 |
1430 | Holder ink pad error | 墨仓废墨垫满 |
1431 | Ink selector life error | 黑墨选择器故障 |
1434 | IC cover unlock error | 墨仓盖开锁故障 |
1438 | Maintenance tank error | 维护箱错误 |
1439 | Cap error | cap初始位置检测错误 |
143A | Cap Overload error | Cap电机过载故障 |
143B | Cap Over speed error | Cap超速错误 |
143C | Cap Reversing error | Cap反转错误 |
143D | Cap Driving time-out error | Cap驱动超时错误 |
143E | Cap Velocity deviation error | Cap失速错误 |
143F | Cap Lock error | Cap锁定错误 |
144A | Pressurizing Pump Overload error | 加压泵电机过载故障 |
144B | Pressurizing Pump Over speed error | 加压泵超速错误 |
144C | Pressurizing Pump Reversing error | 加压泵反转错误 |
144D | Pressurizing Pump Driving time-out error | 加压泵驱动超时错误 |
144E | Pressurizing PumpVelocity deviation error | 加压泵失速错误 |
144F | Pressurizing Pump Lock error | 加压泵锁定错误 |
1536 | Pressurizing reset error | 加压复位错误 |
1537 | Pressurizing error | 加压失败 |
1489 | Wiper error | 刮片错误 |
148A | Wiper Overload error | 刮片电机过载故障 |
148B | Wiper Over speed error | 刮片超速错误 |
148C | Wiper Reversing error | 刮片反转错误 |
148D | Wiper Driving time-out error | 刮片驱动超时错误 |
148E | Wiper Velocity deviation error | 刮片失速错误 |
148F | Wiper Lock error | 刮片锁定错误 |
1494 | Ink selector error | 墨水转换器故障 |
1496 | Ink selector sensor error detection | 墨水转换传感器故障 |
1497 | Ink Selecto Switching time-out error | 墨水转换超时错误 |
149D | Ink Selector Driving time-outerror | 墨水转换器驱动超时错误 |
1125 | CR HP detection error | 字车初始位置错误 |
1501 | Driven Roller Release motor phase detection error | 释放状态检测错误 |
150C | PG phase detection error | PG相位检测错误 |
1541 | Cutter return error | 裁刀返回错误 |
1551 | Paper thickness determining error | 纸厚检测错误 |
1561 | Paper thickness at power-on error | 开机时内部有厚纸 |
1800 | AID voltage error | AID电压故障 |
D131 | AID error | AID 错误 |
131B | Head driver(transmission gate) overheat error | 打印头驱动过热错误 |
1A37 | Printhead Thermistor error | 打印头热敏传感器错误 |
1A41 | Head rank ID input error | 头值输入错误 |
1427 | CSIC destination setting error | CSIC识别错误 |
1428 | HEAD_B board assy error | HEAD_B板错误 |
1A23 | Incorrect RTC data error | 错误的RTC数据 |
1A26 | RTC Access T/O error | RTC访问错误 |
1A38 | Transistor environmental temperature error | 晶体管周围温度故障 |
1A39 | Head error | 打印头错误 |
1A40 | IC22 error | IC22错误 |
1A50 | I2C communication error (Between elements on CSICand MAIN) | CSIC板和主板通讯故障 |
1A51 | I2C communication error (Between elements on SUB and MAIN) | 字车板和主板通讯故障 |
1A52 | I2C communication error (Between elements on SUB-B and MAIN) | 右侧板和主板通讯故障 |
1A53 | I2C communication error (Between elements on SUB-C and MAIN) | 左侧板和主板通讯故障 |
2000 | NVRAM error | NVRAM错误 |
2002 | SDRAM error | SDRAM错误 |
2003 | FLASH BOOT SUM CHECK error | FLASH引导程序检测错误 |
200A | F/W load error | 固件程序装载错误 |
200D | System interrupt watchdog time-out error | 系统中断监控超时错误 |
200E | Unknown NMI | 未知的 NMI 错误 |
2010 | UART communication error | UART 通讯故障 |
3000 | AC shut-off | 电源线异常 |
Fxxx | CPU-related error | CPU相关错误 |
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